Ethos Pure L-Carnosine Powder

Protect and Repair from Age-Related Disease

Carnosine is one of the most powerful natural anti-aging compounds available today.

Offering a vast range of benefits to users, from prevention and delay of age-related diseases, to improved brain function and physical performance.

Carnosine research is changing the way conventional medicine thinks about aging.  As documented in over 3,300 Carnosine Clinical Trials and Research Papers on PubMed.

What Is Carnosine?

And why you probably need it…

Carnosine, also known as l carnosine, is an amino acid peptide (a combination of two amino acids) found naturally throughout the entire body.  Especially where there are high energy demands on certain organs like the heart, brain and muscles.

Carnosine’s role is to protect and rejuvenate these critically important areas from the continued demands of energy production and management.

As we age, our levels of carnosine naturally decrease. This is due to a two-fold process; our bodies make less carnosine as we age and the existing carnosine becomes increasingly vulnerable to degradation and destruction.

This increased vulnerability can lead to symptoms such as muscle fatigue and weakness, cognitive decline, poor heart health, weakened immunity, and other age-related conditions.

This damage is then recognized as: failing eyesight, decreased mobility, loss of metabolic function, failing cardiovascular performance, loss of cognitive control and an increased risk of cancer and many other age related disorders.

Fortunately, there are ways to increase carnosine levels and counteract these effects.

Please note: You must supplement the purest form of carnosine powder to experience the many potential benefits of this unique compound.

Ethos L-Carnosine Powder is the purest carnosine supplement available on the market and has been featured in the UK’s Telegraph – ‘Top Ten Foods to Boost Brain Power’ article, for its powerful antioxidants and potential to reduce plaque formation associated with senility and Alzheimer’s.

How Can I Increase My Carnosine Levels?

Increasing carnosine intake through foods such as red meat and poultry can be beneficial, but has its drawbacks, especially for vegans and vegetarians.

Supplementation is the best way to increase carnosine levels in your body; however, it’s important to choose a high-quality carnosine supplement for maximum benefits.

By incorporating a premium quality carnosine into your daily routine, you’ll be able to experience its powerful anti-aging effects and reap the many other health benefits it has to offer.

The Benefits Of Carnosine

And how does it work?

Carnosine works by regulating processes that occur within your cells. This enables your cells to absorb more nutrients and expel more toxins, thus reducing oxidative stress and preventing age-related degeneration.

What are the Benefits of Carnosine?

Carnosine supplements help to improve overall health by strengthening the immune system, improving muscle strength and endurance, aiding digestion, and promoting healthy cell growth.  Carnosine can help to slow the aging process, potentially helping you to live a longer, healthier life.

In addition, l carnosine amino acids are able to protect against oxidative stress caused by free radicals and can help as an acid buffer to aid and repair muscle tissues and damaged cells. This makes carnosine an essential nutrient in the prevention and delay of age-related diseases.

The benefits of carnosine supplements are vast, and include improved brain health, better physical performance and reduced risk of disease.

Continue reading as we look in more detail at this power-house amino acid in all vertebrates.

Ethos Carnosine Powder

Featured in The Prestigious Telegraph

In May 2011, The Telegraph published an article: ‘Top ten foods to boost brain power’.

Ethos Carnosine Telegraph

Of all the possible supplements that could have been detailed in their article, they referenced Ethos Endymion L-Carnosine Powder.

Top Ten Foods To Boost Brain Power

The second is called Ethos Endymion, which contains L-Carnosine, a strong antioxidant which appears to have dramatic results for a number of conditions: cataracts, improving skin tone, speeding up wound healing, and protecting the brain from plaque formation that may lead to senility and Alzheimer’s.

L-Carnosine is found in chicken and lean red meat so this powder supplement could be especially useful for veggies.

Read the full article here

The Telegraph

Ethos Endymion PURE Carnosine Powder

The Purest Carnosine Powder Available Today

Ethos Carnosine Supplement Facts:

  • Ethos Carnosine Powder is the purest available in the marketplace –  Purity is essential to get the best results
  • Ethos Endymion L-Carnosine Powder – NO Fluff, NO Fillers, just the highest quality 100% pure L Carnosine Powder
  • Ethos Carnosine Powder was  featured in the UK’s prestigious Telegraph
  • Only Ethos Carnosine products have been featured in multiple publications and on mainstream National UK television

Ethos Endymion L-Carnosine Powder

‘The purest carnosine powder available on the market today’

Superior Grade – 100% Pure Carnosine Powder – NO Fillers – NO Fluff

Carnosine Extends Life Span

What the clinical studies say

L-Carnosine slows the aging of human cells in culture dishes. Scientists added carnosine to cultures of young cells. While the control cells developed the typical “old” appearance, those grown in high carnosine concentrations retained their youthful appearance.

When these youthful-appearing cells were transferred to culture dishes lacking extra carnosine, they quickly developed the “old” appearance of control cells of the same age. Yet, when scientists took old cells, approaching the limits of their life span, and transferred them into culture dishes containing high l carnosine concentrations, they found that the cells rapidly became rejuvenated to resemble young cells.

L-Carnosine extends the life span of rotifers, a microscopic aquatic organism now being used as a model of aging in many laboratories. In this experiment, scientists tested many different antioxidant compounds, identifying carnosine as one of just four that had significant effects on the organisms’ longevity.

L-Carnosine extends the life span of fruit flies, another organism commonly used to study aging, up to 20% in males. Normally, male fruit flies die much sooner than do females, but when fed a steady diet including a carnosine supplement, the males attained the same age as the females.

L-Carnosine extends the life span of laboratory mice, complex, warm-blooded mammals with many of the aging features common to humans.

Research by ‘Ethos Scientist‘ the late Professor Steven Charles Gallant

In 1996 Professor Steven Gallant and Professor Alexander Boldyrev, the world’s leading authorities in their field, began a ground-breaking experiment to see if L-Carnosine would have any beneficial effects on a large group of mice.

It is important to note that these mice were given the best of living conditions to live out a normal life cycle, so as to achieve accurate results.

Scientists used a strain of mice in which aging is ‘markedly accelerated’ and supplemented their food with l carnosine.

Carnosine Mice Study

One of these two brothers were supplemented l-carnosine powder

Not only did the animals live significantly longer, they retained the physical and behavioral features of youthful animals. Muscle tissues were improved in the mice given carnosine supplement.

The scientists then repeated the studies in ‘normal mice’, finding much the same effects. Carnosine clearly improved the animals’ external appearances and maintained the animals in better condition than control animals receiving no carnosine.

 Mice, Carnosine – Gallant/Boldyrev Study Results:

  • Mice given l-carnosine were twice as likely to reach their maximum lifespan as untreated mice.
  • Carnosine significantly reduced the outward ‘signs of old age’.  In effect, it makes the mice look younger.
  • 44% of the carnosine treated mice had young, glossy coats in old age as opposed to only 5% in the untreated mice.
  • An important difference between the treated and the untreated mice was in their behavior.  Only 9% of the untreated mice behaved youthfully in old age, versus 58% of the carnosine treated mice.

Here’s A Quick Recap!

What we’ve covered so far…

Carnosine is naturally found throughout the body but declines as we age. 

Research suggests this decline in carnosine levels could play a significant role in aging.

Carnosine is an essential nutrient for  health and slows down the aging process.

Increasing carnosine intake can help you prevent and delay the onset of many age-related diseases; improve eye health and function, improve brain health, athletic performance, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in cells, protect against free radical damage, and improve overall health!

Carnosine purity is essential for maximum benefits.

Ethos Carnosine Products

Cited and Tested By Big UK Media 


Carnosine Should Form The Baseline

Of Everyone’s Anti-Aging  Program

Carnosine Research is changing the way conventional medicine thinks about aging

The Clinical Research Papers below are a small example of the broad spectrum of benefits we can gain by taking carnosine supplements.  Use the search bar facility on the PubMed website and search any health issue with “Carnosine + ?”

There are currently 3300 results with the search for just “carnosine”;   Revealing a vast amount of evidence documenting the fact that carnosine prevents and reverses many of the detrimental effects of aging.

Carnosine Clinical Studies and Research Papers

PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

Carnosine for Alzheimer’s Disease:

Carnosine for Cataracts and Glaucoma:

Carnosine The Super-Anti-Oxidant:

Carnosine and Anti Aging:

Carnosine: A Groundbreaking Discovery In Anti-Aging

Kudos Kirk Stokel

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please refer your Doctor to this document or PubMed if you have any doubt if l carnosine is for you.